With the Corabit product range, the Kebulin company offers bituminous products for road technology completely from a single source. This includes both the Kebuflex BR 2 weldable membrane for safe concrete bridge waterproofing and the extensive range of Corabit hot sealing compounds, with eight different types for a wide variety of applications. The well-known Corabit joint tape, cold-adhesive (KK) or fusible, is used in a wide range of applications in new road construction and infrastructure maintenance.
For road rehabilitation, too, the Corabit product range offers high-quality solutions for maintaining traffic routes. For example, the self-adhesive Corabit Reinforcement Sheet prevents the further development of cracks in underlying asphalt layers in the asphalt concrete of the surface course. Repairs to cracks can be carried out quickly and easily with Corabit REP repair asphalt.
> Road Technology News

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Corabit KK joint tape with synthetic adhesive layer
> References
Dam bridge Rauschenbach
New bridge construction
Processed products:
Epoxy resin MBC VT 115
Stainless steel laminated Hansa welding sheets
Orig. kebu Kebuflex BR 2
Mastic asphalt
Rhine crossing
of the A 44
New bridge construction
Products processed:
Epoxy resin MBC VT 115
Stainless steel laminated Hansa welding sheets
Orig. kebu Kebuflex BR 2
Mastic asphalt