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Price information

Dear Business Partner,

The war in Ukraine has not only caused international tensions on a political level, but has also had a strong negative impact on supply chains and the availability of all raw materials. Especially for raw materials produced from crude oil, there is no price stability anymore, which we were used to in the past years.

Bitumen from Russian crude oil has so far been supplied throughout Europe by the state-owned Rosneft group. The dependence of central German refineries on supplies from Russia was estimated at one third of the local bitumen supply until before the Ukraine war. However, as the major energy companies are turning away from cooperation with Rosneft, parts of this enormous source of supply are falling away. As a result, some refineries in Germany are no longer producing bitumen or have significantly reduced their bitumen volumes, with fuel being produced instead.

Meanwhile, the reduction of Russian crude oil on the European market will continue and other sources of supply are desperately sought. International efforts to provide access to world trade for alternative oil-producing countries such as Iran or Venezuela are stuck and delayed due to geopolitical interests. As long as this severely reduced supply situation for bitumen continues, the tight price situation will not calm down and will always be based on the availability of the raw material.

The transport sector is also contributing to a very dynamic price increase. This is due to the continuing shortage of personnel and the resulting low availability of freight space, as well as fuel costs.

Unfortunately, this leads to the fact that for the time being, we will generally prepare our offers on an "ex works" basis and, if desired, show the freight separately.

In addition, the processing of bitumen is a very energy-intensive production process due to the necessary processing temperatures, and the current costs for energy continue to rise.

This entire market situation unfortunately forces us to always compare your orders and inquiries with the daily updated raw material situation. This concerns the price situation as well as the delivery quantities and delivery dates.

We would like to assure you once again that the exceptional situation described above alone forces us to take these measures. 

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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